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4 August 2008

TCM The Pick of The Crop with Langmeil Winery

Langmeil winery is a small family business located in the Barossa Valley of South Australia. Langmeil has a long history dating back to 1843, where a small vineyard was part of the Langmeil village. Early immigrants to South Australia established Langmeil village and where some original building stills stand. The current day Langmeil is a small family run business that was purchased in 1996.
Utilizing some of the original vines from 1843 and growing a selected variety of grapes, the new owners have developed Langmeil into a well-known winery that creates a unique drop.

Using a synergy of new and old world equipment, Langmeil has been able to capture the characteristics in each variety and protect the subtleties of individual vineyards. As one part of the new world equipment, Langmeil wine-maker Tyson Bitter decided to enlist the help of NTP Forklifts Australia to provide a top quality materials handling solution. 

The result was a top quality TCM 7-tonne diesel forklift with a Bolzoni rotator, 2440mm tynes and a 4.5m dual mast. The primary function of the TCM forklift is to pick up the 3 meter long bins of hand-picked grapes, and then tip the grapes into the hoppers. From here, the grapes are worked through the crusher and into the open fermenters, which can be moved within the within the facility by the forklift. The forklift is also used to manoeuvre the basket presses, the largest holding the skins of a 6-tonne fermenter.

Tyson Bitter, a winemaker of Langmeil says of the Forklift "The 'fork' is really good, we've had no dramas with it. We have had it fitted with extra long tynes and a rotator to flip the grape bins, which means we have higher efficiency and we are able to use the fork around the yard for other applications – the whole process has been made easier. I can’t believe we haven’t had one before!" Langmeil winery have also purchased a new TCM iNOMA 2.5 tonne forklift for their new warehouse, and will continue to use NTP Forklifts Australia for their materials handling needs.

The TCM 7-tonne forklift features one of the biggest and most powerful engines in its class, speedy lifting times, increased forward visibility and is environmentally friendly with reduced emissions as a factory standard. The range of Z8 large capacity forklifts offer capacities from six to forty-three tonnes and boast higher efficiency and a variety of solutions for any application.

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