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16 October 2015

Enough of a carrot?

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Perhaps TCM’s strongest suit is their range of diesel engine powered forklifts from 6 – 10 tonne capacity, known as the Z8.

This model has proven itself time and time again as an industry leader in performance, reliability and engineering.

BD & MD Nicol & Son, produce processor and distributors, already have a fleet of TCM FHGE18TF1 forklifts in operation at their business.

These smaller forklifts are involved in general distribution operations; however they had the need of a higher capacity unit for large bin handling.

NTP Forklifts Australia proposed a TCM FD70Z8 with side shifting fork positioner for this requirement at their Carrot Processing facility in Virginia, SA.

The TCM Z8 series has been used in some of Australia’s most demanding materials handling applications such as mining operations, recycling and foundries for its ability to handle harsh conditions yet still offer operators the comfort and safety found on smaller forklifts.

The use of the Z8 in the produce market provides BD & MD Nicol & Son a unit that will easily stand up to the test of time.

For more information on the TCM range call NTP Forklifts Australia on 13 16 87 or make an enquiry online here.

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